Ready to participate in the circular economy in St. Louis?
Check out the CircularSTL Symposium, more events on our homepage, or other recommendations below.
Reuse Building Materials
Refill Your Containers
Forty percent of plastic produced is packaging, used just once and then discarded. You can keep plastic waste out of the environment by bringing your own containers to refill at stores around St. Louis.
Construction is estimated to produce a third of the world's waste and at least 40% of CO2 emissions. The next time you need new tile, light fixtures, or even furniture, check out Refab or one of the Habitat for Humanity Restores.
Repair Your Stuff
You can save money and reduce damage caused by the extraction of natural resources when you repair broken items instead of throwing them away. Perennial and Cherokee Street Tool Library offer repair classes, workspace, and tools.
Join a Sharing Economy
Many online platforms exist for people looking to regift or find secondhand items for FREE. Start with Pay Nothing St. Louis and Surrounding Areas, and try to find a group operating near you.
Compost Your Waste
Keep valuable nutrients from going to waste with a backyard compost bin or indoor worm bin. If you can't compost at home, businesses around the St. Louis region offer convenient compost pickup, including New Earth Farm and Perennial City.
Join a Cleanup
Take action with other local organizations against illegal dumping and plastics in the environment. Many community clean-ups are coming up throughout the year.
Switch Away from
Fossil Fuels
Renewable energy offers potentially endless sources of energy and combats climate change. Save money while switching to renewables using tax credits and rebates, the Grow Solar program, and energy efficiency incentives from Ameren.
Join the CircularSTL Network
Organizations and individuals can become members of CircularSTL by committing to:
Embrace solutions to the problems caused by single-use waste and the linear economy (such as reuse, resale, refurbishing, repair, and retrofitting). These solutions should promote the conservation of resources and reduce air and water pollution.
Attend or share CircularSTL educational and outreach events
Join us by sending us a message below!