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CircularSTL launched in the fall of 2022. At our launch event at the OneSTL Sustainability Lab @ T-REX, we highlighted Dharma+Dwell, Perennial, Urban Chestnut Brewing Company, and earthday365 for their contributions to circularity in St. Louis. Check out the video of the launch below, or on YouTube.

You can help us promote the circular economy by participating in World Refill Day on June 16 - and reducing litter and waste by using refill options all year round! Click here to learn more about refill options in St. Louis.

Solar Panels

CircularSTL Symposium & Circular City Dashboard

CircularSTL has a grant to build a circular city dashboard for the St. Louis region which can be used by business, government, and nonprofit leaders to address waste challenges and spotlight opportunities for sustainable economic growth.

We’re excited to invite you to the CircularSTL Symposium on September 24th, 2024, from 9-1pm at Cortex COLLAB Space. This event will highlight effective circular activities in our region and connect like-minded organizations. Register for the symposium here for $25. If cost is a barrier, choose the "pay what you can" rate or reach out to for scholarship opportunities.


The project is a collaboration with 10 Billion Strong, earthday365, Race to Zero Waste, Cortex Innovation Community, Circular2Linear, Washington University Office of Sustainability, and the Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) at the University of Missouri - St. Louis. For questions or to get involved, email Patrick Arnold at


Network Building

We're building a network of businesses, government leaders, NGOs, and educators to identify champions of the circular economy in St. Louis and strengthen our collective capacity to shift our economic models. 

Click here to learn more and join the CircularSTL network. 

"Circularity Spotlights" 

We highlight circular economy all-stars, business models, and initiatives in the St. Louis area and beyond. At our launch at the OneSTL Sustainability Lab in the fall of 2022, we highlighted Dharma+Dwell, Perennial, Urban Chestnut Brewing Company, and earthday365 for their contributions to circularity in St. Louis.


Do you know a business that should be highlighted? Tell us!

Confectionery Shop Owner

Campaigns and Advocacy 

We support efforts to advance circularity in the region by expanding restaurant take-out reusables, beverage bottle reuse, composting, and electronics repairs. 



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